Be Welcomed

May YOU find your way to YOUR highest path, with ease & grace to your WOW!

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Everything you DO is with FREE-WILL and CHOICE. All that I provide is suggestions and inspiration to find what YOU are willing to DO for the highest good for YOU!!!  It is always your choice!


Recent Reflections

See, hear, feel, know or what?

Which are you? I love it when people ask me a question, as there are no silly questions, there is always someone thinking the same thing. In my book “Wounded to Wow – a path to oneness”, there are a lot of exercises, actually 100.  Many are meditations and some may think they are a […]

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21 creative challenge with sharonmcl

#21creativechallengewithsharonmcl It is 2yrs ago that I did the last 21day challenge.  It seems time to do another.  The way this time. I commit to sit in creativity for a minimum of 21mins a day for 21sessions. I commit to be inspired by a new word each day or session. Sessions can be within the […]

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Who am I, now?

Asking the question “who am I?” happens when we take our first step along the spiritual path.  It is a question that we can continually ask to discover our truth in any moment.  As we grow, travel, upgrade we will ask this question again. The answers originally form as roles or archetypes, yet may evolve […]

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What are YOU willing to do?  sharonmcl’s  handbook, “Wounded to Wow - A path to oneness” offers Parts1-4 with 100 exercises of potential ways, and is available in digital and softcover through most book distributors and the publisher Balboa Press a divison of Hayhouse.  When you are ready for more sharonmcl is currently writing Parts5-9 with more exercises in the next version “The Probability of Wow - living in oneness”.  Currently only available in 3day live online retreat events, after completing a ‘live’ Part4. on Facebook