Are you using a defence state?

Characterology was developed by the joint works of Pierrakos(1975) Cox (1972)and Brennan (1987, 1993).  They recognised five defence states.

Are you Schizoid?  Ask yourself : Do I withdraw?  Are my eyes vacant? Am I in my body?  Is my body twisted?  Is there a sense of fear around me?  If yes to all, then this maybe your predomiant defence mechanism.

How can you shift it?    Of course, note if your fears are real or illusion.  To shift an illusion, stand with knees bent and take a deep breath, eyes open, bent knees, focus on the top of your head, and bring your awareness through your body, until at the bottom of your feet and into the earth.  Inner mantra – “I am safe, I am here.”  If you are chating with another and they are warm and friendly, open your heart and solar plexus – shine your warmth.

Are you Oral?  Ask yourself : Do I act helpless?  Do I want others to take care of me, in ways that are different to an adult?  Do I speak softly?  Do I make sure I have eye contact?  Do I plead with my eyes?  Do I commonly feel not enough?  If yes to all, then this maybe your predominant defence mechanism.

How do you shift it?  Take a deep breath and relax. Say “I have all the time in the world”.  Stand, bend your knees and ground.  Bring your attention to the light deep within you (just under the sternum bone), as it is the source of all you need, you aren’t helpless, you are enough.  Inner mantra “I am enough, I am enough”.

Are you Psychopathic?  Ask yourself:  Do I pick a fight to prove another wrong or bad?  Do I find myself helping because others have problems, but I don’t?  Do I feel betrayed?  Do I pull myself up and out of body, ready to attack, to make myself bigger when fearful?  Do I become aggressive when betrayed?   If yes to all, then this maybe your predominant defence mechanism.

How do you shift it?  Stop, take a breath. Know you are human, as so are others.  Stand, bend knees, breathe deep, and go within.  Notice your fears, hurts, betrayals, and any patterns.  Notice when your energy is in your upper body, and release it back into your feet and earth.  Focus on your earth connection, and feel centred within the light that is you.  Inner mantra: “I am safe.  I am goodness”.

Are you Masochistic?  Ask yourself?  Do I feel invaded or controlled?  Do I find it challenging to know what is mine and what is another’s problem?  Do I connect to others via cording at the stomach?  Do I have mainly serious and heavy conversations?  Do I seek others advice, as I can’t move without it, but end up rejecting it?   If yes to all, then this maybe your predominant defence mechanism.

How do you shift it?  Bend your knees and breathe, ground, and let the earth energy flow into your second chakra.  Feel connected to your surrounds.  Protect your stomach, release cords to others, let go of others and centre within your own light.  Focus on your own inner light and strength.  Inner mantra: “I am free, I self-regulate my own life”.  Journal, honour and respect yourself.

Are you Rigid?  Ask yourself?  Do I feel I must be perfect?  Do I notice that I keep myself removed and on automatic?  Do I always present the perfect picture, no matter what is happening in my life?  Am I authentic? Am I missing from the conversation?   If yes to all, then this maybe your predominant defence mechanism.

How do you shift it?  Notice you are missing, stop and centre within the light at your centre.  Stay within your light, until you feel yourself.  Be authentically you.  Inner mantra: “I am real, I am light”.

Reference examples for characterology: “Hands of light” and “Light Emerging” by Barbara Ann Brennan 

If you would like assistance to understand your defences, just ask Sharon for a Lifeforce coaching session.

From ACIM workbook for students – Lesson 135 – If I defend myself I am attacked.  (But in defencelessness I will be strong, and I will learn what my defences hide)


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