See, hear, feel, know or what?

Which are you?

I love it when people ask me a question, as there are no silly questions, there is always someone thinking the same thing.

In my book “Wounded to Wow – a path to oneness”, there are a lot of exercises, actually 100.  Many are meditations and some may think they are a challenge if they can’t see.  Not true, there is energy just in the book, and you may also hear it, feel it, know it, taste it or smell it.

If you find a block it’s an opportunity to either clear that block or learn a new way.  Life can either be filled with challenges or opportunities to grow.  Seek your solution.  Let blindfolds fall away and listen to your higher heart.

So I ask, do you see, hear, feel, know, taste, smell or something else.  Be you, do you.  Be the best, and all that you can be.  Sending many blessings to all my readers.🙏


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