
What does success mean to you?

Each person will have their own model of what success means to them.  Sharon finds it interesting that one person’s meaning of success can be so different to another’s.  One person’s model may just to be alive and “get out of bed each morning”, however another may believe having family members surrounding them is success; and another will believe that to run a million or billion dollar company “means” success.  All models are true to the individual that has the values and beliefs that align with that model of success at that moment in their life.

Our expectations of what we see others attach to success, can influence our thoughts and ideas on success. If we try to fit into a formula for success that is not our own, then we will feel misaligned. What is your formula for success? Is it about achieving your goals? Or are they ongoing accomplishments?

The keys to success for each individual is through understanding themselves and what they believe their purpose or mission is at that time. Know yourself so well, that you are aware of internal and external motivating factors.  Know your purpose and mission will contribute to your model of success. Know what is a necessity for you, know what is a choice, and know what is just a joy to be involved.  When you know yourself so well, you can choose what you perceive to be successful in any situation, and evolve your model as you grow.

Sharon has created a specific small group coaching programme that covers knowing yourself; knowing your purpose or mission; and creating your heaven on earth.  If you need assistance to find your model of success. Just ask.


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