
What can appreciation do for you?  It can be amazing, when you appreciate what you have and where you are, how you will receive more.  It opens you up, via giving appreciation.  You can appreciate the smallest things to the largest. Appreciation can occur on a daily basis.  Sometimes we take the everyday things for […]

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What can you revive?

Have you ever looked at an outfit in your cupboard, and thought “How can I revive this?”, “How can this be renewed by just a subtle change?”  Did you know you can look at your life in the same manner.  Not to change others, but to change yourself and your perspective.  Change can only occur when […]

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Comfort Zones

What are your comfort zones? ^Limits you set yourself, based on your beliefs. ^If you are out of your comfort zone, you will feel stress. ^You can stretch your comfort zones by changing your beliefs. A comfort zone can become habit forming and routine.  Its a fine line of balance between being in a rut, […]

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If you are feeling stretched, that is a good place to be, because you have left your comfort zones and you are now in a learning curve.  STRETCHED is GOOD.  Stretched is where possibilities can occur. However, if you go beyond stretched you will start to feel uncomfortable.  How can you find that fine line […]

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Location, location, location

Choosing a location for your ceremony, can be a journey.   There are many beautiful locations in Bowen #topoftheWhitsundays #VisitBowen for ceremonies.   There are many things to consider when picking the spot, that is just right, for your ceremony.  You need to decide: What time of day is best for the location you pick? […]

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YOU, as a TREE

Knowing yourself can take a life long journey.  If you would like to get creative, one way to understand yourself more fully, is to draw a tree.  The tree represents YOU.  You can use any medium; pen, pencil, paint, charcoal, ink etc.  You can use any colours, or none.  You can create it on any […]

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Trust can be a life lesson.  A turning point for spiritual growth.  At what point do you surrender to trust in a higher power, and at what point do you listen to your own inner voice? If you find yourself not trusting, ask yourself why?  Is it real or an illusion?  Is it intuition/ a […]

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Stress Management

No matter what you are doing in life; stress can turn something you enjoy, into an uncomfortable situation; if you don’t manage your stress.  Whether it’s your birthday, a work day or a holiday, all can be stressful.  How do you currently manage your stress?  Is it with ease; never or sometimes.  Use the tools […]

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Gunnado or celebrate

Often we make lists at new year of our “gunnados”.  This year lets try something different.  Let us celebrate your successes with a list of all the wonderful things that you/we/us have already done and achieved.  Just saying…. We often don’t celebrate our achievements and move on to the next goal, sometimes, way too quickly… […]

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Expectations v Reality

Have you ever had certain expectations, only to find they don’t match the reality?  disappointed?? or delighted??? This can depend on how high or low were your expectations, and whether reality is better or worse then expected. So what are your options, can you turn disappointment into delight??  some thoughts…. – know that,  you don’t […]

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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.