Self-respect and R-E-S-P-E-C-T | |
As the song says ” R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me”. What does self-respect mean to you? Sharon believes simply it means approval and appreciation that we are all unique. If you have self-respect you will have self-esteem, and you will easily respect others. Do you approve and appreciate yourself? If not, where […] | |
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The many faces of a mother | |
The Mother is a universal persona/archetype which all can relate to; and a universal behavioural pattern coined by psychologist, Carl Jung. Commonly ‘the mother’ is perceived in the positive of a ‘life-giver’, nurturing, loving, caring, patient, kind and compassionate. There are many faces of the mother from the ‘Mr. Mom’ the male that can be a […] | |
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Specific Series of Coaching | |
Sharon has created a specific series of coaching sessions/workshops/retreats for those that are exploring the deeper questions of who am I/you, what is my/your purpose, and what am I/you here for? (Age prerequisite of 18years or over) 1. Coaching to become your authentic self Who are you? Explore who you are and strategies to find yourself and release […] | |
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Celebration of Life | |
Every day is a blessing, and when it comes to the end, the best way to remember your love one is with a celebration of their life. It is a challenging time when you loose a loved one, however it can become a time of remembrance when the ceremony is written on the story of […] | |
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Renewal of Vows | |
The Renewal of Vows ceremony is a personal choice. Often people choose to use this ceremony either as a celebration of many happy years together; or when they have experience a challenging event that has effected them and their marriage deeply, to the point they feel it is important to renew. It is illegal in […] | |
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Naming | |
What is in a name? Sometimes names have history, family lineage, spiritual meaning, and sometimes a name happens by trend and chance. Some would say that each name has a energy, and every time you change your name the energy of the name has an affect on you. Numerology suggests that each letter is connected […] | |
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The Fool – new beginnings | |
April fool where did it come from?? According to web sources, which I would take with a grain of salt 😉 it is a mystery as to where the day or the words came from. A possible source is 15th century France when the Georgian calendar changed New Year from April to January. Now that […] | |
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Field of potential | |
Sharon believes there is a field of highest potential, and she is happy to meet you there. If energy flows where attention goes, be mindful of where your attention goes. As we evolve in consciousness, your attention becomes more focused and as the higher consciousness is more grounded; you are more likely to manifest. If […] | |
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Challenges | |
Are YOU, your greatest asset or your worst liability? Are your challenges YOUR fears or lessons? What area is your challenge? Is it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual? Did you know YOU can turn your challenges into opportunities? Opportunties for learning and growth… How? This is unique to the individual. The example: When I was […] | |
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Find your creative expression | |
Everyone has the ability to connect with their creative expression, some are more connected to their expression then others. What does creative mean to you? Find your way to express. Creative, simply means “to create”. We create in each moment of our life, new cells, new thoughts, and often we can be unaware of our […] | |
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