Did you forget “who said”? Dream BIG

2016 :  How often do we revert or contract, because ‘someone else said ‘it couldn’t be done’”?’  You do become a product of your nurture, nature and environment in which you live.  It is so easy to be hypnotized by the words of another, whom appears to know.  Do you often feel unsupported in your […]

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“Wake up” calls

Accidents are wake up calls.  Are you centred?  What has thrown you off?  What is the learning?  How have you contributed or created? The challenge thought ‘how have I created or co-created this issue or event in my life?’ Know that you create, and co-create all the time.  To those that say “I am not […]

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Mini Workshop – intro to skills for a healing joy-filled life

Book YOUR Space Receive an understanding and experience some skills to help YOU – a mini version of what you would receive in a 3day Retreat – just in a condensed version.  Any problems with booking, please email or text me. Contact sharonmcl . Limited to 10.  Sorry you missed the booking time at this […]

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Retreats @ Rose Bay Resort

Retreats – March or October Twice a year we create a space for YOU to RELAX, RENEW & REFRESH, while learning skills to help YOURSELF. Scheduled via bookings Ask Sharon to schedule another.  Next event is an online retreat via Facebook. Other suggested topics for other possible Retreats:  Awakening the Goddess within; Writing Inspired Words; or Healthy Being and Beyond. […]

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Protected: Spiritually – Fit at any age

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Protected: Retreats@RoseBayResort – March Topic

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Protected: Spring into Spring

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Listen to YOUR body

Anyone that has attended a class with me, will have heard me say these words: “Listen to YOUR body”.  What does it mean?  It actually has a literal and a multidimensional meaning.  When you take the time to “listen to your body” you would never do anything with your body to cause it harm or […]

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Protected: Understanding Personas

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Protected: Gift 2 – Stepping into Heaven on Earth Day1

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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.