Protected: 12 Learn from your failures

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What is co-dependency? It is not just about alcoholism or drug addiction, but can be associated with any addictive disorder.  It is suggested it begins with dysfunctional family systems.  When both parents have healthy self-esteem, happy and comfortable in themselves and can take care of their own individual needs; then they are functional and have […]

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Easy going?

When does easy going become an issue?  When you find yourself living some one else’s life, because you have been too accommodating to another’s chosen path.  When you keep putting your dreams on hold for family, friends or partners. Yes dear; sounds great dear; whatever makes you happy dear… did I get here dear??? What […]

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Protected: 11 Reward or Celebrate your achievements

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Opening to your highest

How do YOU open to your HIGHEST? To me opening to your highest is an expansion process.  It doesn’t happen over night, but it will happen.  There are certain processes, techniques, and support that will make opening easier.  To be open to opportunities, takes the ability to remain open to the possibilities.  How will you […]

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Protected: Revisit your purpose

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Protected: 10 MONITOR – what is working? What isn’t?

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Protected: 9 Staying Motivated

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You are more then your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  You are energy.  Be mindful of where your energy is? If you choose, you may like to experience what I would term a “re-balance”.  This often is a part of what I might offer to a client in a Lifeforce Coaching session. Where is your […]

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Protected: 8 Know the whole picture – EVERYthing

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