Protected: Energy Lines

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Protected: 2014 Archives

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Space Clearing

Since the early 1990s I have been consciously space clearing, to shift spaces to a higher energy.  I also call it ‘intuitive placement’ where you look at a room and feel what will shift, clear or heal the space. I have used incense, smudge sticks, symbols, bells, crystals, rocks, elements (earth, fire, air and water), […]

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Let’s explore your energy

Have you every wondered how your energy is?  There are many tools and techniques to assist individuals to check their own energy. What do you do, if your energy is low? What do you do, if you are feeling out of balance? What do you do, to rebalance yourself? In the webinars on the energy […]

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The Shift

For all those that have been working with energy for years, you will have noticed the evolution of the energy, ‘The Shift’.  I have been observing energy, people and the planet, consciously since 1990, and I have observed the energetic evolutionary process.  There are many layers and levels in this process. What I am writing […]

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What is teaching? It is the transfer of knowledge to a student. A great teacher will know their students so well, that they will impart the knowledge through all senses to connect to all students. Sharon believes there is a fine line between teaching and training, and there are similarities within coaching and guiding. It […]

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Let’s talk about emotion

Emotions are like a lake. Some emotions create but a ripple, others waves and then there are those that create a stillness, a tranquility. Everyone can find their own lake of tranquility. Over a lifetime we are taught by our family, our peers, our society what is considered acceptable emotion. Indeed we learn to judge […]

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How to help yourself

There are many ways to help yourself. Meditation is a cornerstone to help yourself.  It assists to shift your brainwaves, and acts as a decluttering to create greater clarity, calm and peace. Journaling is another way to help yourself.  Sometimes your thoughts and feelings can be bottled up, and it can get overwhelming,  Journaling can […]

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Baby it’s cold outside

For those in the Southern hemisphere, it’s near mid winter here.  Winter is a time of reflection, stillness and hibernation, while understanding flow and change.  Flow and change is a part of the connection to understanding the cycles and seasons. The Kidneys and Bladder are connected to the winter cycle, just as the bones, marrow, […]

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Confused ??

Are you feeling confused about your direction??  Did you think you knew what you were meant to be doing, and it feels flat now?  Are you seeking clients, and it’s just not happening?  Is your life a dream or a reality?  Are you feeling that you have finished in some areas of your life, and […]

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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.