Find what works for YOU! | |
2020 I started trialling different methods of health, fitness for weight loss. If you have been following along, I tried intermittent fasting for 3months, and alone, it didn’t work for me. I then added predominantly Vego Keto. The result was amazing for me, I gradually lost 8.4kg. I then committed to loose another 4-6kg, depending how I felt. I’ve been in the low 60s most of my life, yet as you age I believe you can look gaunt if you loose too much. It is now my chosen lifestyle. My aim is around 15% carbs, 65% fats and 20% protein, when I need to loose weight. I have observed when my carbs go up over 30-40% I do start to put weight back on. My caloric intake is aimed at 1300 for weight loss, yet sometimes it is under and other times it’s over. When I have a high caloric day, I even it out with a lower day to follow. I also have aimed at 15000 steps per day for weight loss. 10000 for maintenance and when toning. Again sometimes it’s over and others are under, yet you remain consistent with doing some thing! 2021 I am focussed on tone, and have lost around 12kg. I have previously offered inspirational 6wks #getfitnowwithsharonmcl on Facebook. Now I’m offering a FREE private group Facebook page “Fit at any age with sharonmcl”, ask to join. Let’s find what you are willing to do over 31days. Let me inspire you! if you need private sessions, fees apply. “I am currently 57, and out the other side of the menopausal weight gain. I’m stabilising at present my weight between 64-65kg. It is about finding what works for you. Let me inspired you!” | |
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