Finding time for YOU | |
Can you make time work for you ? Do you have too much to do? How high is your paperwork or your email box full? Can you sleep or mind churning at night? What ways can you manage time? Suggestions – ‘work smarter not harder’, focus on what is really important, clear backlog, lift the weight from your shoulders – delegate where you can, relax and feel in control of your workload. ONE important way every day is to MEDITATE – 5mins of silence, can assist to reset you and recentre you. Key ways – meditate, then journal and get it out of your head – make a to do list – top 5 priorities, focus on the top at the start of day to complete one at a time – know the difference between the a bigger project and an action step – if you have to eat an elephant, you eat it one mouthful at a time – what way is yours? Is it your priority? Is it your goal? What would happen if you didn’t do it? What is in it for you, by doing it or by not doing it? Can you delegate? Can you let it go? Which thing first? the suggestion 80/20 High pay off, little time – do it first. 20/80 Low pay off, high time – do it last. PRIORITISE – allocate a number, then take ACTION! If you can do it without paper – do it! Email, iPad, iPhone, outlook etc. Get things done – focus on one thing at a time, follow ideas with an action e.g. When emailing do emails, when phoning do phone calls. Stay focussed gets the job done. The reasoning: every time you change what you do you have to change your mindset, this takes time. Be aware of your work/life balance. Create a pie chart of how you are allocating your time within 24hrs or a week, or a month etc: e.g. Work, family, social, fitness, study, creativity, eating, sleeping, etc. Are you doing what makes you happy? Do you allocate time for your health and fitness? Remember balance is about what creates balance for you, and is unique to you. However, if you loose your health, then it effects every other area of your life. Reconsider your priorities??? Physical? Emotional? Mental? Spiritual?? Your body, your choice. Are you your own best friend or worst enemy? Do you support yourself, or put yourself down? Are you half glass full or empty person? Know who you are, do a SWOT or SCORE analysis on yourself. It is not about judging but discerning, what is right for you. Address your gaps. Time is ticking……What one thing could you use today? USE IT!!!
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