Holding space

Do you know what holding space is?  No it’s NOT about holding a space in a line or a chair so no one else takes it.  Its not about stopping, or blocking either.  Holding space is a very sacred energetic technique.

Many active listener begin the process of holding space, while allowing a person to share.  It is through focussed intent as they allow a person to share their thoughts or feelings.  The moment your mind wanders or move away from the person you are holding space for, then you are no longer holding space.

It is a process of holding high energy, without being on push or manipulation, allowing the highest good to unfold with free will and choice of the person you are holding space for.  It takes focus intent, while allowing the individual free will and choice.

In our busy world, we often are too busy to engage in the sacred process of holding space.  We often believe we need to be offer a solution or helping in some more tangible way.   There is actually nothing more powerful then holding a high space for an individual to step into their own choice.  It is empowering for all involved.

Why not try holding space for someone today?  Think of a person, while you remain neutral and extend a beautiful high energy towards them.  It important to just hold this beautiful energy in the highest space for the highest good, without judgement of any outcome.  If you find that you waiver in your intent or start to have an agenda, then that is indicating a lesson you need to work on for yourself.

The more you practice the easier holding space becomes.    I am holding space for you right now.  This space is clear, light and beautiful, a space for the highest good, and the highest to unfold.  Breathe, feel your own empowerment. Blessings.

originally 2014 reactivated 2023



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