Naming | |
What is in a name? Sometimes names have history, family lineage, spiritual meaning, and sometimes a name happens by trend and chance. Some would say that each name has a energy, and every time you change your name the energy of the name has an affect on you. Numerology suggests that each letter is connected to a number, and when you add the numbers up in a name, then that has a meaning. In a Naming ceremony, whether it is with a child or an adult, it is about celebrating the birth, and the name they have been given or chosen. With a child, it is a ceremony that can formalise a support system for the future by acknowledging the broader family, including either guardians or godparents. Guardians or godparents can include the birth parents or be in addition. Depending on your belief structure, whether you believe in baptism, or in welcoming a soul into a group or whether you believe in a simple welcoming blessing of a name; Sharon can happily write words for your naming ceremony.
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