Activate your inner god/goddess

Is it time to find your connection?  How YOU activate is as simple as being connected, to Mother Earth and Father sky, and to heal any connections with your female/male energies from this life and all lives.  Techniques and processes vary dependant on the needs of the group. This becomes a process of connecting, calling […]

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Awakening your Divine Life Purpose

Awakening your Divine Life Purpose is a process of connecting, understanding your shadows, the gifts, clearing the path or allowing the stones to become stepping stones.  Understanding that everything and everyone is and has been a part of that journey,  and how that unique journey wishes to express through you is forever unfolding depending on […]

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What is an Accredited Rehab Trainer?

An Accredited REHAB training is the next step UP, for a PT.  through risk assessment, evaluation, hands-on techniques, activating inhibited muscles and blending into life, these processes can change the way you move. Clients that may seek assistance with REHAB training are:  1 Currently injured; 2 Previously Significantly injured; 3 Aged; 4 Severely Unfit; and 5 Hyper-mobile.  However an […]

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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.