Self care

Self care doesn’t come easy for everyone.  Some believe that if you care for yourself you are or can become narrasstic.  Some are so focused on others that they don’t really know how to self care or what they truly want, as they have merged too strongly with others and have no idea what they want.  How can you find the perfect balance of “self care”?

1. Take time out to be by yourself – when you are by yourself you can really sort out what is yours and what is not.  Find your authethic self.  Breathe.  Meditate.

2. Don’t get drawn into others dramas – (Favourite saying – Not my circus, not my monkeys).  If you authentically don’t wish to be there, get out.  Yes, that sometimes can be easier said then done, but follow your intuition, your higher knowing and get out, if you need to.  Or find what your lesson is, stay learn and grow.  Just a choice.

3. Set healthy boundaries.  When someone crosses your boundaries, you can learn distrust, get fearful, get angry, jealous, feel sad and depressed OR you can decided you are worth more, draw a line in the sand, and say this is it.

4. Do something for yourself physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, that shows yourself that you love, approve and are willing to give yourself attention.

5.  There is no one that can make you whole, only you can do that.  There is no one that can make you happy, only you can do that.   As a whole person you can then choose to be with someone else who is whole, or not.

6.  Know sex is not love.  It can be pleasurable or disgusting.  It can be an ego driven by its desires, that adds another notch in the belt of false conquer, or it can be a energy exchange.  When you are conscious of an energy exchange, there are some, you would never wish to exchange energy with.  Be mindful.

7.  If you believe in unconditional love, love yourself unconditionally.  Your body is the temple of your soul, treasure it, love, approve, appreciate, and give yourself the attention you need.  Fill yourself up with love.  Heal the holes and the hurts, so that you can experience for the first time, unconditional love for yourself.

8.  Find your way to self care, and do it now, do it regularly.  When you do, you have more to offer yourself and others. What have you got to loose? Try it now.


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