Travel tips

How do you feel when travelling on a long haul flight or just long distance travel?  Wow, it can challenge your energy levels, and turn your whole system upside down.  Some key things to be aware:

1. What dosha are you? Vatta, Pitta, Kapha.  This will determine how you need to look after yourself when you travel.  A Vatta type is more sensitive to change, the pitta would need to be mindful of the heat, and the Kapha will need promptimg to get there on time.

2. Hydrate with water predominantly.

3. Wear pressure socks when flying long distance.

4. Use flower essences to assist with the time shift.  If you can’t get your hands on the essences directly, then meditate and call to you the essence that will balance you.  Visualise the essence of a flower coming into your field, integrate and feel the shift back to balance.

5. Move when you can.  If you can’t move, flex and stretch.

6.  Things don’t always go to plan, do what you can, then relax into it.

7.  Do some study into the place you are travelling to, so when you get there you are familiar.

8.  Call in your highest guides and angels to surround and support you while you are travelling for the highest good.

9.  Have noise reduction earphones and meditate.

If you can schedule your travel that you have space after, I highly recommend it.  Time for integration, and resetting your clock, is always a good thing.


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