What is grace?

It is that still moment where you are connected to all things, you become aware of your lessons, and they begin to make sense. In a moment of grace, all your senses become clear.  You see, hear, feel and know, at a higher level.

Moments of grace, can be unique to each individual.  Some moments occur in the middle of the most challenging events of your life.  Then others can come after an event, and yet others in still moments.

A grace moment – Awareness

Understanding is easily found in retrospect, or when you are already through awareness of moments of grace. Life is a learning experience, and when aware, in a moment of grace, YOU can, slow that moment down to analyse on a deeper level, and respond in grace.

It takes a willingness to dive beyond the surface, and to practice shifting your brainwaves. That sounds complex, it is not. It is simply meditation in motion.

Being hit by a car at 16, was a pivotal moment in my life, that left me wounded on all levels, and asking why me? I was physically put back together via traditional medicine. However, after an accident, traditional medicine in the 1980s didn’t have the resources to heal me emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I found that healing occurred through seeking awareness through moments of grace in alternate and complementary techniques. As I was living in small rural communities, I became a pioneer. Learning and healing myself first then teaching and assisting others.

I became a Yoga teacher in the 90s, initially because one class made me feel good for days, not realising the depth and moments of grace that I would and continue to experience today. Yoga is all about unity, oneness and awareness of awareness. Breath, Meditation, Postures and Relaxation are key criteria and strategies in Traditional Yoga. With practice, these keys become a part of your daily life, to handle your life in every moment with grace.

Today, I assist others to find their way through creativity, training, coaching, connecting and writing reflections as “food for thought”. I continue to hone and refine my techniques, through walking my talk. Life is a learning experience filled with many moments of grace.

Another grace moment – Intuition

What is intuition? To me, the clue is in the word in-tuition. It is when you see, hear, feel or know, through your senses you are learning. It is the ‘aha’ moment, that moment of grace, when you understand or sense your lesson.

Learning is an essential part of life, so happens by necessity, choice, as a gift, and grand design. Unfortunately most people learn quickest through pain, yet while they receive pleasure they will not change. For the unconscious person, it takes a painful moment for a person to want to change.

The way to bypass the pain, is through conscious choice of learning your lesson quickly. This occurs through your senses finding the moment of grace. In grace, a gift unfolds. In surrendering to grace, the grand design unfolds.

What is “the grand design”? It is that bigger picture, divine plan. It is more than the one, it is the connection to all that is. It is within surrendering to grace we find there is no good/bad, no right/wrong, we just experience the “just is”.

Some believe they are doing the divine plan by just handing over. It can be a slippery slope to unconsciousness, if you let go of conscious choice. You may say “that’s a fine line”.  It is.

I have been assisting others to become conscious, to open to their intuition, and experience “moments of grace” since the 90s. If I can assist you, just ask for a session.  It is an on-going journey.

Blessings be,

Sharon McLaughlin,


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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.