Who am I, now?

Asking the question “who am I?” happens when we take our first step along the spiritual path.  It is a question that we can continually ask to discover our truth in any moment.  As we grow, travel, upgrade we will ask this question again.

The answers originally form as roles or archetypes, yet may evolve as you, me and we do beyond words.  Ask yourself “who am I, now?”  Wherever you are in your life, what part are you playing?  What are you learning?  What are you teaching?

What is your agenda in who you are?  Are you being the highest good within the now?  Do you have the highest intent within the now?

Sit in a still moment or meditate to find your answers?  If something is not clear, ask within the tools and techniques you have.  If you can do better, be better.  If you take a step back, take a moment to notice how far you have come.  Choose compassion in the way you treat others and also yourself.  Choose wisdom in the way you treat others and also yourself.  So be it with ease & grace, for the highest good & intent.

See, hear, feel, & know your truth within any moment, any now!



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