
The following comments have been made about several of the programs Sharon offers.

Coaching: Thank you for showing me things as they are and giving me some clarity.  N VIC Australia

Coaching: Wow Sharon! Such a great message.  N England

Coaching: I want to thank you for my session,  I have felt amazing, a huge shift.  I am honoured to have you work with me.   Also really appreciated your follow up and written words.  You are gifted.  T  USA

TransformUCoaching: Thank you for taking the time to bring more clarity to my life.  D Canada

TransformUConnections: I just wanted to say your healing is such a gift.  Thank you for sharing it with me.  It is truly appreciated.   L SA Australia

TransformUTraining: ‘Be more Active’ Outdoor gym sessions – group comments – enjoyed the variation, all were happy with the service and their expectations were either met or exceeded, with all happy to recommend.

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What are YOU willing to do?  sharonmcl’s  handbook, “Wounded to Wow - A path to oneness” offers Parts1-4 with 100 exercises of potential ways, and is available in digital and softcover through most book distributors and the publisher Balboa Press a divison of Hayhouse.  When you are ready for more sharonmcl is currently writing Parts5-9 with more exercises in the next version “The Probability of Wow - living in oneness”.  Currently only available in 3day live online retreat events, after completing a ‘live’ Part4.

sharonmcl.com on Facebook